Research Article

The Pathways to the First Contact with Mental Health Services among Patients with Schizophrenia in Lagos, Nigeria

Table 3

Association between pathways to care and patients’ characteristics.

VariablesPhysician (orthodox)Nonphysician (nonorthodox)Statistics
n (%)n (%)

 Male16 (37.2)39 (41.1) 0.669
 Female27 (62.8)56 (58.9)
Employment status
 Employed23 (53.5)37 (38.9) 0.111
 Unemployed20 (46.5)58 (61.1)
Educational level
 Tertiary15 (34.9)34 (35.8) 0.918
 Secondary or less28 (65.1)61 (64.2)
 Short (≤38 weeks)37 (86.0)32 (33.7) <0.001
 Long (>38 weeks)6 (14.0)63 (66.3)
Age in years (mean ± SD)35.47 (±10.2)37.24 (±11.5) 0.387
Number of contacts+ (mean ± SD)0.98 (±1.5)5.74 (± 3.9) <0.001
 Positive symptom (mean ± SD)25.93 (±6.9)23.67 (±8.2) 0.127
 Negative symptom (mean ± SD)13.37 (±7.7)14.37 (±9.3) 0.548
 General psychopathology (mean ± SD)31.66 (±8.8)30.02 (±9.4) 0.368

Duration of untreated psychosis was dichotomised at median split; number of contacts in the pathway to care before presenting to our facility.
The bold values are the significant P values ( ).