Research Article

Drug Resistance in Tuberculous Lymphadenitis: Molecular Characterization

Table 1

Location and position of lymphadenopathy status of the study participant’s data () drowned from ALERT and St. Peter TB Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2020.

VariablesClinically suspected TBLN (%)Culture negative (%)Culture positive (%)

Location of lymph node
 Unilateral right-sided89 (40.8%)69 (78.4%)19 (21.6%)
 Unilateral left-sided92 (42.2%)68 (78.2%)19 (21.8%)
 Bilateral36 (16.5%)23 (65.7%)12 (34.29%)
 Generalized1 (0.5%)1 (100%)0
 Total218 (100)161 (76.3%)50 (23.7%)
Position of lymph node
 Anterior cervical87 (39.9%)65 (75.6%)21 (24.4%)
 Posterior cervical55 (25.2%)40 (74.1%)14 (25.9%)
 Supra clavicular25 (11.5%)17 (73.9%)6 (26.1%)
 Axillary22 (10.1%)13 (65%)7 (35%)
 Mandibular9 (4.1%)6 (75%)2 (25%)
 Inguinal16 (7.3%)16 (100%)0
 Occipital2 (1.0%)2 (100%)0
 Femoral1 (0.5%)1 (100%)0
 Chest1 (0.5%)1 (100%)0
 Total218 (100)161 (76.3%)50 (23.7%)