Research Article

Zone Specific Fractal Dimension of Retinal Images as Predictor of Stroke Incidence

Table 2

Nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney significance test between control and case groups on retinal images.

MethodControl ()Case () 95% CI
Median ()Average rankMedian ()Average rank versus ()

FDC1.98750.02.411.98137.1−2.41−0.0087, −0.00075.800.016
SFD [6]1.33546.11.071.33540.4−1.07−0.0006, 0.00021.140.286
BC [13]1.64841.3−0.581.65344.40.58−0.0080, 0.01400.330.563

; test statistic from Kruskal-Wallis analysis; 95% CI from the Mann-Whitney test.