Research Article

Knockdown of Zebrafish Blood Vessel Epicardial Substance Results in Incomplete Retinal Lamination

Figure 2

Zbves morphants exhibited defects in eye size and lamination. The morphological observations of wild-type and ATGmo- and splice mo-injected embryos are shown. Compared with wild-type (a), the eyes formed abnormally and resulted in microphthalmos after knockdown of zBves (b), (c). Statistical analyses of the length of whole eye and lens in both groups were performed ( , t-test for two groups, ) (d). HE staining in paraffin sections of wild-type and morphant embryos revealed the eye without a laminated retina (e), (f). The same patterns were observed in the semithin Epon sections with toluidine blue staining (g), (h). Scale bar, 50 μm. Immunostaining with anti-zBves antibody (green) and phalloidin (red) was performed in the retinal neuroepithelia of wild-type (i) and zBves MO-treated embryos (j) at 24 hpf and laminated retinas of untreated (k) and zBves MO-treated embryos (l) at 96 hpf. ln, lens. Scale bar, 10 μm.