Review Article

Review of Life-Cycle Approaches Coupled with Data Envelopment Analysis: Launching the CFP + DEA Method for Energy Policy Making

Table 2

Strengths and weaknesses of implementing the CFP + DEA method.


 Consistency+Independency of operational inputs
 Quantification++This method allows the quantification of the minimisation of operational inputs to attain target efficiency levels
 Benchmarking++Useful mechanism to determine target environmental improvements for industries and governments
 Revision of reference values+Environmental benchmarking to recalculate pollutant reference values
 Communication++Advantages of communicating to stakeholders and general public as compared to LCA + DEA methods due to broader appeal of CFP
 Interpretation+Reduced complexity as compared to the LCA + DEA methods for knowledge transfer and decision making
 Factors influencing inefficiency−−Lack of identification of the underlying factors of inefficiency
 Economic costs−−The method does not provide a direct quantification of the costs derived from optimisation procedures
 Dependency on sample sizeThe number of DMUs condition the amount of operational items (inputs and outputs) that can be included in the DEA matrix

“++” = major strength; “+” = minor strength; “−” = minor constraint; “−−” = major constraint.