Research Article

Blockchain-Based DNS Root Zone Management Decentralization for Internet of Things

Algorithm 2. DelegateVerification().

1: if CurDelegationTxn has invalid field value then
2:  return false
3: end if
4: if prevtx !=; then
5:  verify_key = prevtx.AuthKey
6:  sig = CurDelegationTxn.Signature
7:  if VeriSig(verify_key, sig) != true then
8:   return false
9:  end if
10:  / validity period of prevtx needs to cover the validity period of CurDelegationTxn /
11:  if prevtx.ValidFrom < CurDelegationTxn.ValidFrom or prevtx.ValidTo > CurDelegationTxn.ValidTo then
12:    return false
13:  end if
14:  if op_type == Transition or Revocation then
15:    if ConfirmOPs of CurDelegationTxn do not satisfy prevtx.TransitionPolicy/RevocationPolicy then
16:    return false
17:   end if
18:  end if
19:  if op_type == RenewalPolicy then
20:   if CurDelegationTxn.TimeStamp - prevtx.TimeStamp > prevtx.RenewalGracePeriod then
21:    return false
22: end if
23: end if
24: if op_type == RedemptionPolicy then
25:    if (ConfirmOPs of CurDelegationTxn do not satisfy prevtx.RedemptionPolicy) or (CurDelegationTxn.TimeStamp - prevtx.TimeStamp > prevtx.RedemptionGracePeriod) then
26:    return false
27:   end if
28:  end if
29:  DelegationVerification(prevtx)
30: end if
31: return true
Algorithm 2. DelegateVerification().