Review Article

The Malaria Burden: A South African Perspective

Table 2

Available chemoprophylactic options against malaria infection [97, 98].

Directions for useSpecial notes

Doxycycline100 mg daily starting 2 days prior to entering the endemic area, continued four weeks after returnDo not take along with milk or other dairy or calcium-rich meals; ensure adequate fluid intake and protection against sunburn
Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation; children <8 years
Side effects: photosensitivity; gastrointestinal (GIT) disturbances

Atovaquone/proguanilOne tablet (250/100 mg adult) daily starting 2 days prior to entering the endemic area, continued one week after returnTake with milk or fatty foods; repeat dose if vomiting within 1 hour of dosing; caution advised in patients with a history of epilepsy or active treatment with anticoagulants
Contraindications: children <11 kg; renal impairment
Side effects: initial gastric intolerance; treatment should be discontinued in the case of a severe rash or mucosal involvement

MefloquineOne tablet (250 mg) weekly (every 7 days) starting 10 days prior to entering the endemic area, continued four weeks after returnTake after meals with adequate fluid; drug of choice in pregnancy and lactation; avoid activities requiring fine motor coordination
Contraindications: psychiatric disorders, epilepsy, infants <5 kg; cardiac conduction abnormalities; hepatic impairment
Side effects: headache, dizziness, vertigo, mood changes, and sleep disturbances; GIT and visual disturbances